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My Energi EV Charger and Hot Water Diverter Installation in Bathley

This EV charger installation and hot water diverter was for a new customer, who heard from us by word of mouth. We completed a free quotation for the customer, which involved discussing the brands and packages. We opted for our My Energi package (zappi and eddi) due to the customer already having solar panels, this means the My Engeri products can work in harmony to distribute the customer’s solar energy that has been collected, instead of it going back to the grid. After this installation, the customer has opted for a new solar system to be installed on their garage, which is in addition to the solar system on their house. Due to the house's solar system being older, the customer did not have a storage system installed. After the new solar system is established we can then divert the solar energy, collected by both the new and older solar system, into the new batteries, instead of the energy going straight back to the grid. This is beneficial for the customer as they will then be able to store energy for the cloudier days and winter months.


Bathley, Newark



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